Are you looking for a boilerplate template for your Optimizely site?
Epicweb can offer you a state-of-the-art blog boilerplate template/site starter kit that can reduce your time to market to just a couple of days.
The Epicweb team has spent hundreds of hours building everything you need to get started.
The Blog Template, as the name suggests, is designed to help you migrate your old blog engine, such as WordPress, to Optimizely.
Why Use Epicweb Blog Template?
With an Epicweb template license, you’ll have access to a fully functional blog/site engine built on Optimizely CMS.
This state-of-the-art solution comes with all the features you need to start your site or corporate blog on top of modern technology. It’s lightning-fast and built on .NET 6/7, Optimizely Content Cloud, so you can be sure it’s reliable and efficient.

Key features
* Built on .net 6/7
* Build on Optimizely CMS (license needed)
* Tool to port from old blog
* Blog Engine
* Blog Templates
* SEO friendly
* Social media friendly
* Top Google Lighthouse scores
* WCAG proof (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines)
* Follows best practices for web applications
* Security HTTP headers set
Complete feature list
Built on lightning fast .net 6
* Back-end C# Visual Studio
* MVC feature folder structure
* Front-end Javascript with or without JQuery 3
* Front-end CSS Bootstrap 5
* Bundled and minimized with WebOptimizer
* Easy to add bootstrap modules (default disabled if not used)
* Node js
* Live compile in developer mode
* Change main colors from UI
* Build on Optimizely CMS (license needed)
* Global leader in Web Content Management area
* Cloud enabled
* Multi site support
* Multi langual support
* All major browsers fully supported
* Versioning
* Project multi publish pages
* Scheduled publish
* Build in Scheduled task
* Blog Engine
* Blog Templates (startpage, blog posts list page, blog posts)
* RSS subscription
* Tool to port from old blog
* Importing tool using RSS feed
* Commenting with Disqus
* SEO friendly
* Robots.txt support
* Security.txt support
* Sitemap xml support
* 404 handler
* 500 handler
* 301 handler, permanent moved content
* (eg microdata)
* Lazy loads images for better performance
* Social media friendly
* Support share links with twitter cards
* Share with images, tags and handler on twitter, facebook
* Easy YouTube video embedding
* Top Google Lighthouse scores
* No unnecessary HTML, CSS and Javascript
* Compressed HTML and bundled css/javascript
* Fast performance
* Valid HTML, CSS and javascript
* Use of modern image formats (webp)
* Responsive images with <picture>
* WCAG proof (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines)
* Include aria attributes
* Skip to content (full key board navigation support)
* Deploy ready
* Serilog installed
* UI Translations
* High Secure web
* Built in Content Security Policy administration
* Remove unnecessary HTTP headers
How do I get going?
Please fill in the form on, get a quote, get access to source code, deploy it to Azure.
Can I get a demo of the platform?
Yes, fill in the form on
Can I view the template in action? is using the templates, give it a try!
Can I use my developers / solution partners
Yes! you need a Optimizely solution partner helping you set up the site and deploy it to the cloud. Your partner or developers get access to the github repo, you clone it and do what ever you want with it.
When you clone the solution template to your own repository, you will be able to merge updates from the main repository continuesly.
Do i need a license?
Yes, you need an Optimizely license (get a license thru a partner)
You will also need to Epicweb license key for production use.
How do i find a partner?
fill in the form on, and we help you find a solution partner in your area, where ever you are on the globe
Why use Bootstrap and Jquery?
Because it is the most common used, every developer knows how it works and how to use it. Same with jquery.
The template is built with simplicity in mind, therefor we used common frameworks and patterns.
May i take it for a spin and see the code before i purchase the template?
Yes, fill in the form on and I let you in to the github repo. But it won't work in production wihout license.
How do i import my old blog?
You ll need a rss feed, with WordPress it is usually
What is "state of the art" template mean?
In this context it is a solution that is built on the latest and most advanced technology. A common phrase used to describe something that is the most advanced or modern version of its kind.
Author and Contact
Email to "luc.gosso[a]"