Episerver Commerce Certs up 31% and CMS certs down 9%
Statistics show an increase in Commerce Certifications, meanwhile CMS Certs slowly down. Check statistics here.
Published 1st of November 2018
Ever since I started the service “Find an episerver partner with certified developers” in February 2018, i’ve logged the volume of certification issued every day. Data over 9 month now.
I’ve set up a statistics graph over time -> see it live here “Episerver Certification Statistics”
CMS Certifications down 9%
2018th peak point was 981 certified developers in April, and in October down to 891, a drop of 9%.
Commerce Certifications up 31%
From february public data shows 119 certified devs, which have increased to 156 devs in October, an increase of 31%
A drop of 9% necessarily doesn’t mean much, it can be temporary before developers retake their certs. Meanwhile an increase of 31% in Commerce certs can only indicates that more and more customers are using Episerver Commerce and more partner developers are focused on delivering commerce solutions.
The data is based on public data from world.episerver.com, and some say, that not all dev certifications are public on world. Therefor, take this data as a fun fact. And an indication where world are going.
Related reading
- Top List Episerver Partners with most Certified Developers
- Episerver Commerce Certification Exam Tips for Developers
About the author
Luc Gosso
– Independent Senior Web Developer
working with Azure and Episerver
Twitter: @LucGosso
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/luc-gosso/
Github: github.com/lucgosso