Quick Nav Addon Updated
This addon helps you add menu items from Appsetting to the QuickNavigationMenu.
Published 6 February 2021
For Episerver Version 11
Edit: Version 2.1 is out. Where you can role base links in the menu. See below. Previews version was downloaded 7000 times.

All configurable links to imagevault, find, admin, admin content type, and logout. Even custom links!
Default menus are Admin and logout, to activate other menu items apply this appsettings: (they are sortable)
<appSettings> <add key=”Gosso.QuickNav” value=”imagevault,find,admin,contenttype,logout” /> </appSettings> |
You can add custom menu items, Name and url with pipe in between. Name can be lang resource path eg /shell/admin/logout
<appSettings> <add key=”Gosso.QuickNav” value=”Custom link|http://devblog.gosso.se,imagevault,find,admin,contenttype,logout” /></appSettings> |
Role Base Links
From version 2.1 you can add a third pipe with rolename from Epi.
eg: “Link title|/urlForDevsOnly/|WebDevs” <= only WebDevs will see the menu
or “logout||WebEditors” <=only WebEditors will see the logout menu
Packages are in Episerver’s NuGet feed. If not set up go to Visual Studio => NuGet Package Manager => Package Sources => Add http://nuget.episerver.com/feed/packages.svc/
Install-Package Gosso.EPiServerAddOn.QuickNavExtension |
More on Github: https://github.com/LucGosso/Gosso.EPiServerAddOn.QuickNavExtension
About the author

Luc Gosso
– Independent Senior Web Developer
working with Azure and Episerver
Twitter: @LucGosso
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/luc-gosso/
Github: github.com/lucgosso